Once your referral is received and triaged, Practice staff will contact you to arrange an appointment. This may either be in-person, via telehealth or telephone.
You will be granted access to a Patient Portal after supplying your email address. Please be sure to check your email for your Welcome email from Clinic to Cloud to complete your registration and Patient Survey.
Alternatively, you can download and complete a New Patient Form by clicking here.
Private fees are payable in full on the day of service. All consult services attract a Medicare rebate. Service charges will be outlined to you by practice staff prior to your first appointment.
We are able to claim the Medicare rebate for your online, therefore there is no need for you to attend a Medicare office. The ability to do this depends on us having a valid referral at the time of your appointment.
A full range of payment options (cash, cheque, EFTPOS) are accepted on the day of your appointment. Telehealth and Telephone consultations can be paid by the Patient Portal, Direct Bank Transfer or cheque.
Bulk billing is not available.