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Dr Ashley Park

Dr Ashley Park


Dr Ashley Park is a Stroke and Cognitive Neurologist, holding appointments at Royal Melbourne Hospital and Austin Health where she heads the Young Stroke clinic. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne where she is investigating post-stroke cognitive impairment. 


Dr Park completed her medical degree at the University of New South Wales and completed her Neurology training at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and Austin Hospital. Her fellowship in Stroke and Cognitive Neurology at the Royal Melbourne Hospital has exposed her to complex conditions and leading research, which has made her an all-rounded physician.


Dr Park consults at The Neuro Group as a general neurologist on a monthly basis, seeing patients with a variety of neurological conditions. Her special interests and expertise spans:

  • Stroke prevention and management 

  • Diagnosis and management of cognitive disorders

  • ​Headache disorders and treatment including Botulinum toxin therapy for chronic migraine

  • General neurological disorders/presentations


Dr Park does not see patients for the purposes of worker’s compensation, medico-legal reports or TAC related claims.

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